EMF Concerns – Electric Car

However, my focus is health – and this is what most concerns me regarding vehicles, and electric vehicles (EVs) in particular.

All vehicles have a metal body. In fact, steel makes up the vast majority of your vehicle (frame, roof, floor, exhaust pipes and more). Metal is not only a conductor of electricity, it also acts like a Faraday cage, keeping EMFs inside your car, preventing their exit.

These EMFs are produced via your car’s electronics, as well as blue tooth/wireless systems, and any cellphones that happen to be ‘on’ in the car. Not only are you in extremely close proximity to these frequencies, but the frequencies are actually amplified inside the car, with the walls of the car acting like a resonator.

I have written about EMFs in the past, and the harm they pose to biological organisms. But, for a quick recap: human-madeEMFs pose a very real threat to us and all living organisms. The health impacts of long-term exposure include neurological effects (such as poor memory, focus, sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression), inflammation, cardiovascular dysfunction, fatigue/reduced thyroid function, infertility, and DNA breaks (cancer-causing).

Also, important to note: international and Canadian EMF safety guidelines are based on industry-funded research, are extremely outdated, and are woefully inadequate to protect our health. Over the past 20 years a robust body of independentresearch has shown significant negative biological impacts from exposure to EMFs.

Now, let’s contrast this with an EV. EVs pose a significantly larger risk due to the greater number of electronic devices, and the battery (plus electric coils).

EV cars use a large capacity battery that operates up to 650 volts DC (direct current), compared to a petrol-based car with circuits that operate at 12 or 24 volts. The EV battery is usually situated behind the passenger seats in the back of the car – the area where children, who are particularly sensitive to electromagnetic radiation, are seated. Another area of high radiation is the footwell in front of the driver’s and front passenger’s seats.

These elevated EMFs increase dramatically when the battery is charging, making it imperative that you are notin the car when it is charging.

There is a severe lack of good (available) research on EMF exposure in cars. Although there are plenty of articles ‘debunking’ these dangers. However, these articles are generally funded by the automotive industry and are looking at extremely weak EMF guidelines for reference.

This quote from Theodore P. Metsis PhD (electrical, mechanical and environmental engineer) neatly sums up how I view the situation:

“EMFs in a car in motion with brakes applied + ABS activation may well exceed 100 mG. Adding RF radiation from blue tooth, Wi Fi, the cell phones of the passengers, the 4G antennas laid out all along the major roads plus the radars of cars already equipped with, located behind, left or right of a vehicle, the total EMF and EMR fields will exceed any limits humans can tolerate over a long period of time.” 

I spend a fair bit of time driving, so I have tried to reduce my EMF exposure as much as possible. I drive an older model car, so there are fewer electronic devices (no parking assist, no front or rear object sensors, no video screens), and I have disabled the blue tooth system. My phone is always off in the car.

And, when I have passengers, I have implemented one important rule: your cell phone must be ‘off’. Additionally, to further reduce the effects of EMFs, I always travel with my HologramChi mitigation device, which converts EMFs into biocompatible frequencies.

Posted in (EH) Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity, Ears Ringing (emf tinnitus)